Beds Collections

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Sleep Zone Collection

Somnus mattresses have been constantly improved and perfected through design and innovation, dating right back to 1840. Let Somnus take you on a journey to create your own truly unique sleep sanctuary.

Collection Name

Somnus mattresses have been constantly improved and perfected through design and innovation, dating right back to 1840. Let Somnus take you on a journey to create your own truly unique sleep sanctuary.

Product: Adjustable Action Exquisite Base

Adjustable Action Exquisite Base

Product: Adjustable Action Leg Base

Adjustable Action Leg Base

Product: Adjustable Action Standard Base

Adjustable Action Standard Base

Product: Cameron 3000 Memory

Cameron 3000 Memory

Emerald 5000 Luxury

Premium fillings | Traditionally made

Maddox Silver

Reassuringly comfortable | Traditionally made

Ezra Tencel®

Reassuringly comfortable | Traditionally made

Strauss 1000

Lovely to lie on | Traditionally made


Reassuringly comfortable | Traditionally made

Copland 1000

Lovely to lie on | Traditionally made